

 @ermannobecchis and I had just arrived on our commission to Swaziland when we headed towards Shewula Mountain camp in the eastern Lubombo mountains. We wandered through a meadow and found ourselves on a local family's farm. You could see all the way to Maputo, the Mozambique capital. Dad then suddenly appeared in his warrior attire {and proceed, unannounced, to 'come at me', to which I shat myself).

Modern day Swaziland was the unification of 16 clans called bemdzabuko ("true swazi"), named after Mswati who became king in 1839, and is considered to be one of the greatest fighting kings. Under his kingship the nations territorial boundaries were greatly increased. Today Swaziland remains Africa's last absolute monarchy, ruled by King Mswati III and is known as a peaceful and prideful nation - known for it's rich culture, natural scenery and top ganja #swazigold.