Over 18 months through 23 nations, the question “WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?” has encouraged a spontaneous moment of self-reflection to those interviewed and created an opportunity to connect with a stranger through expressing this simple truth.
For those viewing the collective responses, it opens a simple dialogue - a visual vessel through which empathy and inspiration can be shared.

The series is one of five parts forming a larger body of work: “DON’T HURRY, BE HAPPY”
The objective is to counteract the stress of modern fast paced living by investigating and presenting various ways of slowing participants down to ‘live in the moment’, helping highlight the simple yet often overlooked joys of life; Interacting and connecting with one another, breathing, igniting your inner child.
The ability to communicate universally forms the driving force behind these ideas and their success to ‘spread happiness’. The content uses photography, illustration, music and film as tools to investigate and present the lowest common denominators of happiness, aiming to shine a ray of light into the lives of those who experience them.

Made in collaboartion with FREITAG.